次 来源:数学与统计学院 作者: 发布:文章管理员
序号 | 论文名称 | 发表刊物名称及刊期 | 收录情况 | 作者及位次 |
1 | A Modification of Newton-type Method with Sixth-order Convergence for Solving Nonlinear Equations | Advanced Materials Research.Vols. 490-495 (2012) pp 1839-1843 | EI | 陈睿 1/2 |
2 | Asymptotic stability for an impulsive model of hematopoiesis with time delay | Applied Mechanics and Materials.Vols. 204-208 (2012) pp 4506-4512 | EI | 陈睿 1/2 |
3 | An Efficient Sixth-Order Convergent Newton-type Iterative Method for Nonlinear Equations | Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 220-223 (2012) pp 2585-2588 | EI | 胡中永 1/4 |
4 | An accelerated iterative method with third-order convergence | Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 220-223 (2012) pp 2658-2661 | EI | 胡中永 1/3 |
5 | A Variant of Newton Method with Eighth-order Convergence for Solving Nonlinear Equations | Advanced Materials Research,Vols. 490-495, pp 51-55, 2012 | EI | 房亮 1/1 |
6 | An Efficient Iterative Method With Order Of Convergence Seven for Nonlinear Equations | Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 220-223 (2012) pp 2574-2577 | EI | 房亮 2/4 |
7 | Three-step method with fifth-order convergence for nonlinear equation | Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 524-527, 3824-3827, 2012 | EI | 房亮 2/3 |
8 | 高等医学院校图书馆阅读疗法进社区服务探索 | 图书与情报2012.5 | CSSCI全文收录转载 | 陈燕 2/3 |
9 | Dynamics of a Duffing-van der Pol oscillator with time delayed position feedback | The IES Journal Part A: Civil and Structural Engineering, 5 (2), (2012) 79-84 | EI | 国忠金2/3 |
10 | A new scheme to synchronization a fractional-order hyperchaotic system and computer simulation | IEEE International Conference on computer science and automation engineering | EI | 刘常凯1/2 |
序号 | 论文名称 | 发表刊物名称及刊期 | 收录情况 | 作者及位次 |
1 | Research on Application of Intelligence Schedule of City Pubic Traffic Vehicles Based On Genetic Algorithm | Advanced Materials Research, 706-708, 1902-1906,2013 | EI | 陈睿1/2 房亮2/2 |
2 | Some Opial type inequalities with higher order delta derivative on time scales | Applied Mechanics and Materials, 432(2013) | EI、ISTP | 李连忠1/4 |
3 | A Global Residue Harmonic Balance Method for a Class of Nonlinear Jerk Equation | Applied Mechanics and Materials, vols. 353-356: 3324-3327 | EI | 薛欣1/3 |
4 | The Residue Harmonic Balance Method for Duffing-Van Der Pol Oscillator with Fractional Derivative | Advanced Materials Research, vols. 774-776: 103-108 | EI | 薛欣1/3 |
5 | Three-party quantum key agreement with Bell states | 物理学报, 2013.7,NO 62(17) | EI | 尹逊汝 第1位 |
6 | Research on E-commerce Teaching System | Applied Mechanics and Materials.2013.06 | EI | 刘珂 2/4 |